Dr. Joseph DiMasi is an internationally recognized expert on the economics of the pharmaceutical industry. He serves on the editorial board of Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science and has previously served on the editorial boards of the Drug Information Journal, the Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Economics, and the Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics & Policy. He has published in a wide variety of economic, medical, and scientific journals and has presented his research at numerous professional and industry conferences. Dr. DiMasi testified before the U.S. Congress in hearings leading up to the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 and reauthorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act. He received the Donald E. Francke Award from the Drug Information Association for the best article in the Drug Information Journal published in 2000. Dr. DiMasi received his doctorate in economics from Boston College in 1984.

Joe's Current & Recent Research Initiatives Include:

  • R&D cost of new drug development
  • Clinical success & phase attrition rates
  • Development & regulatory approval times
  • R&D efficiency
  • The role pharmacoeconomic evaluations have played in the R&D process
  • Pricing & profitability in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Innovation incentives for pharmaceutical R&D
  • Changes in the structure & performance of the pharmaceutical & biotechnology industries